Kiersten Edwards
What did the Kelly Clark Foundation Scholarship enable you to do this year?
Receiving the Kelly Clark Foundation Scholarships allowed me to go to Stratton Mountain School where I received better coaching. Stratton then helped me get to Junior Gold Camp, where I am going soon.
What are your dreams?
My dreams on a long term, are to go to the Olympics and place gold in Halfpipe and Boardercross. This scholarship allowed me to go to a place with better coaching and therefore got me 1st overall in the Menehune girls division in the USASA National Championships. Since then I’ve been invited to Junior Gold Camp, training with some of the best coaches.
What were your contest results?
My contest results this year consisted of 1st place overall at the USASA national championships in the Menehune girls division, 1st place in Boardercross at USASA Nationals, 1st place in both Slalom and Giant Slalom, 2nd in Slopestyle and Halfpipe. Earlier in the year I also placed 4th in the U.S Open at Stratton, VT.
Are there any other stories or testimonials that you would like to share with us?
At the U.S Open I got to thank Kelly Clark in person. That was fantastic. And I also love how this foundation has helped me so much this year.